Caro | CEO, Descalza
I was born in El Salvador and raised in North Carolina. As a young girl growing up in rural NC, fashion design served as the first outlet for me that didn't have a language barrier. It was one that me and my mother, a highly-skilled seamstress, could finally cross together.
As my passion for working with fabrics grew, I studied Fashion and Textile Design at North Carolina State University, interned in community led organizations in Guatemala, Brazil, Mexico, and Italy, and worked for fashion studios like Vera Wang in New York City, before returning home to North Carolina to launch Descalza.
Descalza partners with highly skilled artisans and seamstresses. Our artisans are incredibly talented, but unfortunately we live in a world where people take advantage of the little guy and never give them credit. When you purchase Descalza, not only are you supporting their craftsmanship financially, but you’re making a statement to everyone who is watching. You’re showing to the world that you can look good by supporting citizens of communities who are many times overlooked.
With Descalza, my goal has been to weave my story as an immigrant to the United States into a clothing brand that is cherished by those who are proud of their heritage. My love for people has inspired me to create a fashion label where hidden talent wouldn't go unnoticed, and my community would be heard.